Best Guide to Gardening


Monday, December 14, 2009

Gardening and Old Age

Old age is a fact. It excuses no one and persists through time. Yet, this fact need not hinder you from doing what you love the most-gardening. As more and more ergonomic tools are being produced, gardening is becoming an activity that doesn't stop with age.

Then again, ergonomic tools will not be always on the rescue. Despite the ease and comfort that these tools bring, your body still poses as your adversary. Still, although you may have limited strength and has trouble going around the garden, there are things that you can do to make gardening a whole lot easier.

You can start by carefully choosing the plants that are easy to care. There are a lot of perennials that require low maintenance and do not need constant division or watering. Choose shrubs for borders rather than hedges that would require regular trimming. If you want, you can opt for vines that grow up so you won't have to work on the ground.

Garden in raised beds and containers so you don't have to bend more often and you can even do your gardening tasks in standing or sitting position. If you're fond of hanging baskets, you can device a pulley system so you can make your watering chores easier.

Don't forget to exercise and stretch before you engage in any gardening activity. This will not force your muscles too much and prepare them for your more tedious activity. Do different tasks each time rather than focusing on one activity so all your body muscles will get to work.

Happy Gardening!

Having been writing for more than 8 years, John has a large number of articles his latest are on garden lights and how to clean garden lights, important information for any gardener.


For more information and articles on Garden Home Lighting, see

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