Best Guide to Gardening


Thursday, August 06, 2009

Gardening Fall Vegetables

By Barbara Volkov

The Ph level in our garden still has to be correct for our area for the new crop of fall vegetables that we are going to plant. It would probably be best to take a sample to our local garden nursery to double check the level, just to be on the safe side. We also need to remove the dead plants from the garden that is no longer producing fruits or vegetables. The greater part of this waste is best if we mixed it in our garden compost pile, but we must make sure that we expose of diseased or insect infested plants. We don't want any of that carried over into next spring's garden.

Lettuces and all types of greens along with some of these veggies, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peas, and cauliflower, can be grown for fall harvesting. Most will tolerate the frost and some will withstand freezes and snow. Cabbages for instance can grow huge, but they can live over until early spring. Salad greens of all types can be planted and harvested at various stages.

Warm season plants, such as bush beans, can be grown for a fall garden. By planting early varieties in July or August will produce beans before the first frost. Many varieties take only about 50-60 days to mature.

Peppers generally ripen in the south or southwest very quickly in the hot dry months of August and September, so it is best to leave them in the ground as long as they are still producing. Plants will continue to fruit through-out fall as long as they are well watered. We can freeze peppers for storage and use their flavorings for soups and stews in colder weather. After they die out from the first frost, pull out the plants and set that area aside for early spring for a potato crop. It might be a good idea to cover the row with a heavy layer of straw or hay to help begin a break down and lighten the soil.

Lettuce and greens will thrive with colder nights; they will taste sweeter and are full of nutrition. They should be planted while it is still warm and you can watch them get larger as the temperatures drop. Spinach can be grown in even the coldest areas, all winter long with a lightweight fabric covering over the plants. Carrots are another vegetable that can be grown during the fall months, and just pull what is needed for vegetable soups or Thanksgiving dinner and the rest remains in the garden until they are needed.

Garlic and shallots are best if planted in the fall months, anytime from September to mid October, and left to grow over winter. Springtime, late May to early June, there will be a harvest of huge bulbs ready to pull. If we plant bunching or green onions in early fall, we can plan on harvesting them in November and making room for sweet onions to plant in January through March.

Barbara Volkov and her husband are happily retired and enjoying a lot of gardening in a small backyard. I have several articles pertaining to the garden and its many accessories. Come and visit us at for more interesting ideas and ways to plant.


For more information on Fall Vegetable Gardening, see

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