Best Guide to Gardening


Friday, July 17, 2009

Gardening in the Shade - Landscaping is About More Than Just the Sun

By Julie-Ann Amos

Bright and beautiful blooms certainly do add appeal to a property. They add curb appeal and they add a sort of serenity, too. Flowers can attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and fat bumble bees as well as create a natural fragrance that is like nothing you can buy in a scented candle or plug-in room deodorizer. Being able to enjoy the garden is a reason a lot of us purchase homes. If you have a shady piece of property, gardening is something that's going to be a bit more of a science, rather than something you can simply do on the fly. Despite living in the shade, you can still have a beautifully manicured lot with flowers of a wide variety.

A lot of new gardeners who have a fair amount of shade on their property have either spent time and money (and energy and frustration) trying to get flowers (that need more sun) to grow in the shade or just don't bother. Some gorgeous shade flowers also wither and die because inexperienced gardening enthusiasts plant them in direct sunlight.

Here are some things you'll want to learn more about so that you can grow gorgeous gardens, despite the lack of sunshine on your property:

Amount of Sun
Varying amounts of sun will make a difference. Some flowers grow in very shady conditions and some grow in moderately shady areas. Some areas of your property may get more sun than others and knowledge about the type of sun you get can help you choose the right plants for various areas.

The soil conditions make a big impact on what will grow and how hardily. Knowing about your soil conditions can help you prepare the ground accordingly. There are tests that can help you and products that can improve conditions as well.

Plant Type
Once you begin shade gardening you'll see that there are a lot more shade plants to choose from than you might have expected. You might begin the process expecting to have just a few different plants but once you begin your landscaping project, you'll see that there are actually a lot of options.

Gardening is a wonderful hobby that's good for the body, mind, and soul. There's a lot of satisfaction in planning your garden, shopping for your flowers, and after the hard work is done --- watching your property come alive with colour and fragrance. There are a number of resources that can help you maximise your shady spaces.

Check out Julie-Ann's Shade Gardening information hub and get information about how to prep your garden, how to choose the right flowers, and browse through many photos of the dozens of beautiful shade flower choices.

Julie-Ann Amos is a professional writer and owner of Exquisite Writing, a global professional writing agency


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